Dancers in the Dark

If a Quarterback said, “I can’t throw the ball because the other team might catch it” would you put him on your team?

If a job applicant put on their resume, “I can’t tell you where I work or went to school because you might not like it,” would you hire that person?

If a car salesman asked you to buy a car without a spec sheet, highway statistics or test drive, would you?

However,  the Romney/Ryan campaign thinks its perfectly appropriate to say “Well, we can’t tell you what our plans will be when we get into office – because the Democrats might use them against us or people won’t like them.”   Which is it –  They can’t tell the American people what they plan to do because they don’t know how we feel about it – or because they don’t know what it is?

Either way – there’s a lot of fun things that happen in the dark…but voting is not one of them.

~ by beaglezmom on September 10, 2012.

7 Responses to “Dancers in the Dark”

  1. It’s a hallmark of Romney’s campaign …. He has been vague for the past year, thus thriving on “I can do better.”

  2. I loved this! People will vote for him even though he’s been so evasive. Just because he’s not Obama.

  3. Beaglez,

    I followed you over here from AFrankAngle’s celebration. I simply couldn’t resist the combination of dogs and politics. Perfect!

    I just clicked follow, too.

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