Out of Focus on the Family

Looking at the amount of money churches and religious people spend trying to prohibit or repeal gay marriage makes me want to scream.  It’s not just the fact that religious ideas are not supposed to be traditions government upholds, its not just the fact the human writers of the Bible (the Bible is the word of God written, carried, edited and translated by human hands) didn’t understand homosexuality the way that we do now – and the Greek words translated as homosexuality did not mean the same thing the word does now, It’s not even the fact that they don’t want all citizens of this country to have the same rights.  Its the simple fact that the money could have done so much good for so many people.

Lost perspective, lost time, lost years.  Meanwhile,  gays and lesbians continue to find love, keep love, and live love while trying to open the path the equality under the law.  Now there’s something worth focusing on.

~ by beaglezmom on July 1, 2011.

5 Responses to “Out of Focus on the Family”

  1. I believe that churches should worry about the people of their own congregations ONLY. For example what right does the Catholic church (nothing against Catholics that’s just the 1st one I thought of,the same applies to any church denomination) have to tell people who aren’t Catholics what they can & can’t do. Their beliefs apply to those of their faith, not others.

    (1 Thessalonians 4:11) . . .make it YOUR aim to live quietly and to mind YOUR own business. . .

    I think a lot of the churches & their members need to apply this scripture.

    • Tony, I highly agree. Belief is supposed to be a CHOICE we make. You aren’t supposed to try to force people to make your choices because of your beliefs. To try to enforce the legal system to bend to any one religious idea isn’t faithful – its just hubris.

      I have always liked James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” I always notice is says “Keep ONESELF” not “force everyone else.”

  2. I like both your message and what you’re doing visually

    • Thank you! Welcome to the Beaglez. I love the power of comics to create dialogue but since I can’t draw at all the dogs decided to give me a hand (or – at least a paw).

  3. Throwing money is not only a form of red meat, it also identifies the intolerant.Thanks for the news.

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